Sunday, April 6, 2008

A Woods Weekend and My Latest Creations

We spent the weekend at home just hanging around the house. Quite typical these days. A babysitter is hard to come by and truthfully Landon and I enjoy cooking a nice dinner, drinking a glass of wine, and hangint out with Laura Beth over going out these days. We laughed Friday night when Landon was watching the cooking channel and I was monogramming something in the office. Man, how things change when you have a child! The weather was wet and yucky so we didn't even get out of the house much. However, we did enjoy some company Saturday night. Erin, Kevin, and Aubrey came for dinner. Landon cooked an amazing dinner once again. The best part was his homemade banana cheesecake. Wow!! Better than the Cheesecake Factory! Laura Beth and Aubrey were able to play and take a bath together. So cute! Laura Beth was so tired and wasn't great company. After the girls went to bed, we just hung out, enjoyed some wine and talked.

I spend last week and this weekend creating some cute a line dresses and monogramming. I am going to post pictures below. My goal is to learn how to organize my blog and create my own website for reference. I am getting so many inquiries/orders for some of my creations. Someone even called me from Chic-fil-a when they saw one of my diaper bags I made a friend. I wish I had the time and money to do it just for fun because there is that added pressure when someone is paying you. But, as I learn and get better and better my confidence builds. I am very excited about a birthday dress I created for a friends little girls first birthday. I think it turned out so cute. I hope she loves it. I will post a picture after I send it to her. I know she reads this blog and I don't want to ruin the surprise. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had fun! The cheesecake was AWSOME, definately better than the Cheesecake Factory :) I will post some bathtime pictures soon. Love, Erin