Tuesday, May 5, 2009

As I sit on my couch tonight for a quiet moment to check email, facebook, etc. I am once again reminded how precious every day and each second is. A friend of mine has been hospitalized at 23 weeks pregnant with twins. Doctors say she has an 80% chance of miscarrying and will have to remain there until she gives birth. I have hope and faith that she will hold her baby girls someday but continue to pray that they will hang on and enjoy the womb as long as possible!
"Don't lose hope. When it gets darkest the stars come out".-- Unknown.

Then, as I turn on the t.v. to catch up on the latest Oprah on t-vo I am presented with the story of Madeline McCann (a 3 year old girl who was abducted from her family on vacation). I get this sinking feeling and my heart truly "hearts" for the mother. Although I know I could never understand her pain, I feel pain for her. It wasn't until I became a mother that I could feel this way. It's a sinking pit in your stomach. It almost truly feels like your heart hurts. I can't even begin to imagine the horror the mother must experience.

Since Laura Beth was born, I have this fear of something happening to her. I have heard from other mother's a similar feeling but I do wonder if mine is unhealthy. I know God has given her to me to care for and we can never know how long that time is. All I do know for certain is that we have today. This moment is here and real. Make the most of each one.

Please continue to keep my friend Lara in your prayers and all of those mothers out there who worry for their children or who may have experienced the unimaginable loss of their child.

1 comment:

Ali said...

It's heavy stuff. You are certainly not alone in your fear. Our natural tendancy is to hold on tighter as we love more intensely. Obviously that's what we do...when fear cripples or overtakes us, debilitating us...then it's unhealthy. It's a daily surrender that these children are only on loan...and Jesus loves them this I know. Motherhood is not for the faint of heart! She is so darn cute!!!